7 Sept 2018

September Through to October

Ne'er oft' stead(ly) seen here, misandry is a common theme, 33 out of every 78 percentages evoke a reaction vicariously minted. Mental health; sweep it right under the carpet, right under the carpet sir, the worse the funding gets the harder we sweep it right under the carpet, right under the carpet, right under the carpet like Freudian denial. 18 out of every 90 provoke a response simulacra and sensationalism marry/exported trope symbiosis culture clash(ed) cornucopia. An endemic epidemic pandemic supra-specific exact arbitrariness of location(less) the very point I was trying to make was lost in the words I used to communicate. Oft' seen ne'er err somnolence.

Cliquesque like catholicism permanence is a radical breath