22 Jan 2011

4 (back/fore)

e ti myzze car poll a' con de ti rope fa cloak
sew ri et et/ et et de pope car
soo ja com be set tete quest ci
pour do car glo seek sin t ed. proof
car jam

Car k k k cha cha cha chakra
a la per favore de cultus yeux fait accompli
sa sa (ba) seperate (ba) ici la'
the internet is shite


If, like me an app. is work then
you are a powerful subjectivity ought
to be caught counting remedies
arbitrary and implicitly stupid

a trace of potency by proxy (policy)
shards of the Western empire (defines)
like an insane history reeling (humanness)
before your eyes (fearfully)

Counter-slippage, your body its
resonant subjectivity, animalistic beauty and
a crime of movement
resolves democracy

powerful and beautiful you confine
such personal activities to the Internet
and espouse its freedoms
as corporeal yet

slippage contracts by spaces improbable
money is driven and is parried by the actual
your finger is free by a lonely individuality
to touch your vagina

and by this intense
a sex for the sexless


Red Red

Red Red, originally uploaded by crescentsi.

Thank you to Julie (Xstockx) for allowing me to use her beautiful photos in this picture :-)


A Moments Sleep

A Moments Sleep, originally uploaded by crescentsi.

Abstract Digital Art :-)


2 Jan 2011

happy and healthy 2011

happy and healthy 2011

als |
ik de |
macht zou hebben |

dan |
zou ik |
jou geluk geven |

ik |
heb die |
macht gelukkig niet |

daarom |
wens ik |
jou dat geluk |
i wielded
the one power

i would
give you happiness

i don't
have that power

i wish
you that happiness

1 Jan 2011

Trace 2

Trace 2, originally uploaded by crescentsi.

Thank you to Julie (XstockX) for letting me use her photos in this picture.

