3 Mar 2006


she is here alive as guesses in the tall grass we are talking
when she leaves I know she will not need me anymore
I will not let the strength go by

the miracle is she will be released from patterned walking
sleeping working lunch
and I will have her spirit for as often as I need to ask

for all my years I've practiced savoring
it's quiet in that sport of noticing and living out
each breath inside the space of just a little light

to have in common an appreciation is as good as
lying down and talking it's the same
to level and explore the horizontal regime

of how we're made to be eternal
a French legal term is not enough
nor English

all one knows to do is breathe and listen
to one's breathing maybe love
is letting every one of those five senses

melt the barriers to truth and to believe
in possibilities because they're there
they're witnessed

the alive points single out of frameworks
urgent tapping rumored to be grace
as light as tape

this is the warm world
this is space between us
here to offer a protection from our inclination of desire

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