16 Jan 2021

Interesting Facebook Post


What is the realm of art?
And what is the realm of science?
Some feel these two realms are distinct from one another.
Others see overlap and interaction between the two.
Still others feel both are different expressions of the same deeper intention — human understanding.
My name is Patrick Olson. I’m the one behind the scenes.
I am embarking on a multiyear artistic journey, exploring the relationship between art and science through music, music videos and performance art.
I will give everything in an effort to create a memorable journey for you.
And now I want to ask you...
Will you be one of the first to join me?
Click the link below to find out if we’re aligned:

I found this unusual post on Facebook (you never know what you'll find these days) and couldn't resist responding as the artistic concerns are right at the heart of philosophy. It seems that the Facebook algorithm can actually get it right occasionally and post something on your feed that does reflect your interests! My response below...

The difference between the arts, religion and science is, intrinsically one of emphasis. Where it's interesting to debate differences between the principle methods of enquiry and their variable status, from a Western perspective it was the rediscovery of Greek texts during the Renaissance period that formed the basis of scientific emphasis rather than the arts. Mimesis, largely via Plato's musings but not invariably, lead to an idea that the arts were a method of comprehension via copying observations and gaining understanding/insight through this method. Philosophy that paved the way towards science was considered a better way of truly understanding the nature of things. The emphasis was on definition and palpable/measureable notions.
So, of course all areas of enquiry coalesce at some point(s) and shifts in emphasis are invariably arbitrary, at least up to a point which leads us to politics/ Politics which is something very different although some think of Politics as pragmatic enquiry.... And dogmatic definitions begin to fall away again....

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