9 Apr 2008

A Bite Off The Big Apple (America vs. Americana)

Foot turn to brow
Comment t'appele tu?
One to section Six
Sa Sa Sa get a good grip

An island off the sky;
Canada is a cool shade on
my editing program
Shadow 7 (photograph)

New York is New
York is New York is
New York is......
Madrid on a rainy day?

A fear of subways?
A play for a continent?
An Island offa Europe?
New York women are a shrapnel

off rustic slates (and)
An advert on cosmopolitairianism
An earthly Eastern European shade
Dice running close to
pancakes and potato chips

New York is in poverty
a culture via T.V. snakes
we aspire to
You're welcome (Pardon me)

anywhere and here (Visa Waiver Scheme)
So apologetic for our pitch
Uptown 29
Piet Mondrian

The Brooklyn bridge
hides in vast crevices of
lives stuck hardy to the
fearful bliss of

ne'er ending change. But
this is not certain
Plus ca change
Plus c'est la meme chose!

I shall finish as I began
'Tis yours to question why
the depth of Manhattan
is as "black as it is white".

For all our lives and airs
we shall change and change
for sure
And wit and wisdom hence

our lives are like puppets
free to spend!

Graffitiology, pardon me
Dali, roasted nuts
5th Avenue, Helen Mirren
Dunkin' Donuts

We'll still walk through and exit
the immigrants door
for, first you are blamed
And then, upon departure
You are quickly forgiven


Anonymous said...

I like this a lot, Simon.

Crescentsi said...

Thank you Angela - I appreciate :-)
