19 Jun 2009

She Starts Upthings

normally I would defray the cost of seventeen unwanted thought forms and the evidence she reveals her own compulsion to release remaining all the while unwanted by my troth.

so soon again I am refusing how I usually refuse to overcome the waves of unordered sprawl of terminal availability.

let something go a change would be nice just the wings thanks no more open source broad butterfly in lemon tones.

offer to have reinstated present tense where violations did not count thus were routinely underlooked the point of them discounted constantly.

endowment mulches fraught hills and an envelope a net a cardboard box pressed into future disservice will suffice a long time prior to bonds being called.

everything irks sans surprise she's constantly where no one has trespassed I like the quiet of my extroversion when introversy blemishes the joy it carries even while I'm sitting still.


Dr Mad Fish said...

:-1 :-) :-p ????

Crescentsi said...

"I like the quiet of my extroversion when introversy blemishes the joy it carries even while I'm sitting still.

I like this Sheila. Extroversion, essentially is happiness and fact is stranger than fiction. You can see "automatic theatre and art-works" being acted out all over the place. Bodily awareness - this is one of my favourites. It may well be that intellectuality is thoughtlessness and motion or practicalities are thoughtful!