28 Oct 2007

The Art of Rewriting Old Games
October 19th, 2007 by Geoff Draper in

Take some of the 8-bit games you enjoyed as a kid and update them for the new generation.

The opening lines of Nellan Is Thirsty (Figure 1), an old text adventure game for 8-bit home computers, say “You are in a room called the Bank. A giant carpet on the floor says Welcome....The BANKER, Mr. Klinkoyn, looks sleepy.” If you don't recognize those words, you're not alone. It is one among thousands of open-source programs written during the 1970s and 1980s that have gone out of popular play.

The Art of Rewriting Old Game
October 19th, 2007 by
Geoff Draper in

Take some of the 8-bit games you enjoyed as a kid and update them for the new generation.

The opening lines of Nellan Is Thirsty (Figure 1), an old text adventure game for 8-bit home computers, say “You are in a room called the Bank. A giant carpet on the floor says Welcome....The BANKER, Mr. Klinkoyn, looks sleepy.” If you don't recognize those words, you're not alone. It is one among thousands of open-source programs written during the 1970s and 1980s that have gone out of popular play.

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