6 Dec 2007


vouz en dance movements

a glamorous memory partner that steps in

crushing my pauvre inuit events

my extravagant lit elbow pose


his video movements

thoughts masturbate rising an elbow tent in minutes

the ready insiducessence of sex in 2 posit- ion kicks

walks disjointed into posit- ion


figures recently evacuous figures explain the movements alien

the Freudian intended arm is trope clean regulation

it connects yes 2 lungs, echoes that extraordinary LoLing moon that steps out

from behind the shed

kicks cascade man's irregular mystery

partner with concubines on hard shifts squash position

partner with glamorous fallacy in a runaround combustibule quantum

concubine figures watch

and squash

discolour that memory partner


his masturbating heart

I' m position


Sheila Murphy said...

really stunning

carmen racovitza said...

oh, is it really, sheila ??
