16 Aug 2008

The Soap

The soap is the greg spade
murmuring hide for 4 minutes story
'Arold mentions duped kitch
en mademoiselle hide of
Byron skilfully
neglected hollow reference causing

moonstruck left over from
paen nuit situ envelope
is sparse creature definition by
Jean and HedgeRow
culled empor wist East gate
ink with that girth /fast

harsh murders fallow
woman sketched carp kernel
recent reasons ordered far /Inuit
'scape blood wretched insult
clever hutch piecing
pith cogent caucasoid
rally at

St. Ives form ashen pivot
sea foam burning cops
cement flounders fire
corpse credule aspic /duress
duty moving Manchester
f'ward climate

scarred for life by a injury
bicycle made for two
eggs money clifton / Julie
Egypt foggy night mare
hearse that frigging listen
sounds are moths

who didn't read poetry
list ten/ joker
Objection 6 a freeing metaphor
apotheosis subject reach
tribes ribs car
ENT peccary im
ply /pan

inspire/ festival
corner immeasure subjects/ species
reduction vision
airy T prim television refer /incredule
blunt fantasm scorched /pastry case
clinging space craft carping result
pasting win by points

cornered ectoplasm /honnette homme
rasp glitch twine cleft splice
southpaw enlightenment cant wistful con
sierges wallow fetid
maw callow rough skew feld
recent rooms vacate people
from swimming pools

Salmon pink pot the black
walls dirty with smoke/physique
rouged by disquiet
near female uprising o'
souls wending wilting then
waxing in bed sheets linen a concocted muse
half bread silken head perforates
the radiators skin

like woman's fingers copious refugees our wandering
late capitalism
breathes ominous souls recherche ask /potion
billy bank
frivolous jazz like fusion
scrapes Modernist shores surer
for flavour like
phrenology diaspora endogenous exodus pheromones Amazons escrit
scut skit scat cats eyes
eyes lies beast best warms to
soap lying fallow
smells clean
looks like a marshmallow


Anonymous said...

pivot sea skit disquiet
near radiators fantasm wilting splice

southpaw ten/ dirty Byron skilfully neglected ectoplasm homme rasp /pan inspire/ piecing pith eyes
eyes in a HedgeRow
culled festival corner eyes
eyes subject television

pheromone minutes with injury bicycle capitalism breathes /Inuit 'scape
wins clean looks

story 'Arold mentions space clean look escrit scut clifton clean looks flavour in /pan inspire/ hollow reasons minutes uprising flavour /potion
billy ashen ( titi cenusa) reasons capitalism
breathes concocted duped fallow smells scat
climate scarred smoke/physique rouged beast
clifton freeing St. scat pink HedgeRow culled causing moonstruck jazz
recent wistful con sierges far made envelopes surer for foggy eggs
twine car ENT from enlightenment ominous foam reads /duress duty Amazon jazz fingers order
in situ homme

dirtycliftonsubject hides far into duped story
recent are prim visions
airy Modernist rooms ventilate fantasm ectoplasms
by kitch en /fast harsh /pan inspire/ scat
carRENT lying rough ribs skew fantasm

skew points cornered
recherche clean looks
splice southpaw creatures room
bed o' souls televisions

mademoiselle skilfully neglects recherched listensounds
waxing sparse Soap spades murmuring refugee black walls :
mare hearse life night

capitalism breathes better
don't you think

soul pheromones skew subject 4 result: pasting subjects/ wallow by escrit

scut the black walls
read cant Salmon exodus in pools

metaphor: fingers hatch eggs


Raymond Farr said...

what an infusion of language,
phrases, words, clipped pop images!
It is striking!
Ly good!

Crescentsi said...

Thank you Carmen

Thank you Raymond


Anonymous said...

thanks, boys... you are my models...and what models you are !!!!
i like ray
i like crescent

Anonymous said...

thanks, boys... you are my models...and what models you are !!!!
i like ray
i like crescent