30 Mar 2007

Vespers (6)

she said she
heard something she
went downstairs
to see what
the dogs were
barking about but
when she arrived
nothing but
dogs barking

we talked about a missionary
collecting for some cause
we don't espouse and she reminded
us it had been late at night
she was alone and if it were not
for the dogs what would have happened

later when we compared stories
you said someone actually opened their door
and came in I didn't hear the story
that way maybe I didn't even hear the story
anyway you said that and I told you
I didn't think so

but we live a few doors down
and now I wonder am I supposed to
be afraid and if not why not
am I supposed to worry maybe put in meausres
to keep me from being afraid

after they went home I spent some time
filling the dishwasher and thinking about
silence as I often do I am in love with
silence and I hope it's mutual I guess it is
unless the neighbor children are exploring
the best way to improve their minds
or at least their gestation
now I am through thinking
about them and all their noisy lives

29 Mar 2007

a small note to Mark Young

today / the marlboroman / tomorrow the world
may / the heritage    / rock on forever

the marlboro man rocks on


98the reflector (stills) instead projects me disappointedly with the anticipation, because my finger was still on button side shivering hi humpty dumpty and she was walking past the(close)How not to right a poem may be the edge
the distance between your feet and your armpit(gain) I
am humpty dumpty i triggered the key his half(porridge) elicit
esoshape endoscar exotwat workin for fuckin peanuts what thingy these are all suggestions kuh
I am imagining to hear puff the palpitation sound am
because i am fantasizing all kinds of you esogenericeucalyptus bauhaus kathakali falling (remit) gain gallop performery elegaic tree form banter gat haka mudras pre (exit) fashion curl housing shortage casino solvent
remy and her goat//the fis//band 4//what am i supposed to do//39456803//fuck me//can i have a token//you have to be dead for that
falls the western empire to the new pangea No twelve sets quiet times you say?

Vespers (5)

need to
whisper back truth

fully ripened seeks
itself as

trebled would
equal only matter

again as if
purposes exceed

we spoke
today eternity returned

in my pocket
I heft

compliment being
more than acts

it seems to
me although

my actions
focus them and

wait for perpetual
reply by

and hand
and both eyes


listen to respect for silence
by the violets and the conscience
and the quiet place the birds lie down

is nest a form of truth
do tribes grow silent
in the way the body plans
its solo light
true light

how might one sift the little things
from rationales for flight

the sessions are a lifetime
and the lifetime is a string
of sessions and impediments
the darkness made for earth
reveals the earth

the injuries not quite accumulated
leave their blight in place
the damages one leaves behind
from rumored strength
exceeding selves and limber
moments of the alphabet and clock

a prescient moment is precise
as it is clear for every moment
of existence simpler than we thought

28 Mar 2007

All the Things (ShielaMurphy/Carmen/Neon/Crescent)

Remix of Carmen's "Diminished Reality...To Neon" and Sheila's untitled, visual poem.

Triptych, etc. Mosaic

Much thanks to MissBoux and Beatnikside for allowing me to use their photographs in this image.
This image is "all rights reserved" copyright.

26 Mar 2007

augmented reality

is it an observers paradox? Two strangers coincidentally pass by on the street. The photographer, out there to steal souls, connects to this coincidence. Now the strangers are part of the augmented reality perceived by this photographer. Paradox???? naaah manga.
augmented reality

Original images shot in Chinatown Amsterdam

Tree and flower


through sleep
one tints
the little snow
that's left
of an accumated sadness
that won't translate
to eternity
the damages
have slowed to touch
that changes
how breath goes

25 Mar 2007

Vespers (4)

planted in silence
thought grows

likely cleanses
those mapped places

arranged from particles
shifting in

next steps drawn

courtesy and
equally beyond endowed

chairs drawing upon
generous energetic

21 Mar 2007


One matriculates to morning.
Furnished or unfurnished dream
shapes daylight into a routine
distinct from symptoms
that repeat into
an emerging frame.

Familiar shrubs and sentences
remove the comfort
of delirious separation
from endorphins and opinions
with the slow emergence
of new daylight.

20 Mar 2007

vespers 3.14 <> sheila / neon

vespers 3.14

Vespers (3)

is lamp
I watch him

percuss the cupboards
closed then

and suffixes
retreat to bed

it is always
morning somewhere

of control
but now rest

I dream vast
dreams of

of land
where no one

and my eyes
hold still

for light
though not that

19 Mar 2007


white is plated and division
is a problem. rice is glue.
look between the window rinds.
some evidence of pathways

hardened into fact
deters new walking.

what is history if not proof
of filled aloofness?
let us play.

the down light in my living room
contrives a view of symmetry.

I'm going to take liberties
with how you brush the earth.

I'm going to donate happiness
where you have least expected to find

corrosive inference deveins a limited rendition
of converted earth.

come hither.
you afford repentence.
you, devoid of enterprise, begin to breathe in
how the atmosphere converts
each symptom to its place of birth.

dance to the rythm of the war

Dance to the rythm of the war

For some of us it's still just to soon

Years ago I played synthesizer in a band, one of our most successful on stage tunes had the chorus "dance to the rythm of the war" and the audience did exactly that. Only a few recognized the irony. Back then the tune was a crossover between funk and what we thought was a cherokee wardance. The tune I present now is a crossover between drum 'n bass, electro punk and new age.
I'm not sure why I made this tune + video. Maybe because the emotional undercurrent in our timeframe has a _remote_ resemblance to the era preceeding 1914. Then the world knowingly or unknowingly rushed into what some people saw as "the happy war" now known as the "great war". Or maybe I made this for my students who hate my math lectures, grow up in an increasingly xenophobic society and like to play "Gears of war" all day. (not necessarily in that order)

Anyway, I hope somebody downloads this tune and takes it to a local club and invokes the irony of the "dance to rythm of the war" and perhaps sparks some thoughts.

The videoclip is designed for the large screens most clubs today have. The clip is a visual rollercoaster, the start is a take off in a jet plane and it ends with a glorious combat kill straight from "Gears of war". The main ingredients of the music are a vintage Korg MS20 analog synthesizer, a text to speach processor from Microsoft plus a load of digital voodoo. By the way the voice over is a plug-in nicked Microsoft Sam.

Of course i have youtubed this, what else, however the youtube quality is mediocre, for a reasonable full screen quality please download a wmv file here >>> dance to the rythm of the war.

18 Mar 2007


my friend ike

Vespers (2)

darkness its own
silk trespasses on mid
winter threads of
fallen snow in time to
remedy the world
pictures seen through
clouds offer more than
clouds the sky no different
any more than peace remains
still plentiful enduring
parsed via desire not
happiness exactly

17 Mar 2007


the reflector (stills) instead projects me disappointedly with the anticipation, because my finger was still on button side shivering hi humpty dumpty and she was walking past the(close)How not to right a poem may be the edge
the distance between your feet and your armpit(gain) I
am humpty dumpty i triggered the key his half(porridge) elicit
esoshape endoscar exotwat workin for fuckin peanuts what thingy these are all suggestions kuh
I am imagining to hear puff the palpitation sound am
because i am fantasizing all kinds of you

Vespers (1) for Carmen

breathe night into this flute
and let the night be wind
within warm body
of tone cover the tone
with surface and allow
the surface to include
the tone so surface
is held by breath
and breath is tone
allow the tone to keep
still keep its structure
being defined even
as breath is let go
into the flute of surface
flute of distance
flute of here flute of breath

16 Mar 2007


This one nearly finished, just needs some tweeking.
Photomanipulation of LadyPillows' Photographs.

la violeterra

15 Mar 2007


light qualifies light
typifies light

on paved
habit ways one

salts along the
designated path

flow answers
maybe language or

simply nearby butterflies
to flavor

takes in
the elements breath

not exactly lubricates
but sieves

is all
we say we

have although inexactly
for snapshots

of movement
on a plane

equal to clarity
one looks

to know
what is here

14 Mar 2007


when I am aware
I am aware of you
and your magnetic eyes
I limber there

I have learned and I am learning
everything (is) not only possible
but likely
with you here

you are here because
I love to know
that you are here
you are here and

I am swollen with your confidence
your happiness your eyelight
your intensity your acceptance
I am here for you (are here)